Planning permission granted for Rutland equestrian development
Land East of Cemetery Lane, Manton, Rutland
Full planning permission has been granted for a 3-bedroom bungalow in Swinderby, Lincolnshire. The new dwelling will help to support the growth and success of our Client’s equestrian business, Oakhill Equestrian Centre.
Previously, it was considered by North Kesteven District Council that the enterprise did not have an essential need for a 24 hour presence consistently throughout the year. However, GraceMachin were able to challenge this view at appeal in 2016, and successfully argued that a dwelling was appropriate.
This latest application was to replace the mobile home that was granted at appeal with now a permanent dwelling.
"My view was that although the level of income derived from this enterprise is not particularly high, it is growing, and the business is flourishing such that the unit has the makings of a fully sustainable business for a permanent dwelling at the Site. The recent expansion of our Client’s enterprise indicates that the unit has longer term potential. With increasing profits, my view was that it had met the thrust of local plan policy for a permanent dwelling."
The dwelling we have now successfully achieved planning permission for is a detached 3-bedroom home that will meet our Client’s family needs. We are particularly pleased that we have been able to work with NKDC Planning Officers to achieve a delegated planning decision without the need for Planning Committee.
If you are considering the potential to develop your site, property or business and require planning assistance, do not hesitate to contact one of the partners of GraceMachin.
Established in June 2012 by Chartered Town Planners Nick Grace and George Machin, our portfolio of work covers a wide breadth and scale of development; from single houses or replacement dwellings to large scale, mixed use, residential and commercial sites.
Land East of Cemetery Lane, Manton, Rutland
Lavender Lakes Equestrian, Leicestershire
Fairview Equestrian, Ravenshead, NG15 9GS