Significant Residential Approval in Bassetlaw following 'The Doncaster Appeal Decision in 2019'
The Orchard, Main Street, Ragnall, Nottinghamshire, NG22 0UR
GraceMachin has acted as planning consultant to prepare, project manage and successfully obtain planning permission for a very large detached family home. The site is on the very edge of the Conservation Area, in a location with a variety of detached properties.
George Machin, Partner commented:
‘I am delighted to have secured planning permission.
The dwelling had to be carefully designed to ensure that it will, through its scale, design, massing and height, sit comfortably within the existing street scene, and provide a positive addition to the character and appearance of the property within the public realm. The design approach has also sought to ensure that the quality of the character and appearance of the adjoining Conservation Area is protected and maintained.
The approved scheme will provide a high quality and architecturally strong dwelling, essential for our client’s large family.
This most recent application follows a number of other successful planning applications managed by GraceMachin for this same client.
Work on-site is due to commence shortly and should take around 9 - 10 months to complete.’
Established in June 2012 by Chartered Town Planners Nick Grace and George Machin, our portfolio of work covers a wide breadth and scale of development; from single houses or replacement dwellings to large scale, mixed use, residential and commercial sites.
The Orchard, Main Street, Ragnall, Nottinghamshire, NG22 0UR
Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire
Gamston, Nottinghamshire, NG2 6PQ