Another HMO planning permission obtained by GraceMachin
Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17
We took instructions to prepare a new planning application following a refusal of planning permission by a previous consultant. The new scheme was to create 2 x two bedroom apartments located within Waterloo Promenade Conservation Area.
The new apartments would be created by converting the basement and ground floor of an existing pair of properties currently used as Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO).
The quality of the previous scheme was not considered ‘up to standard’ by the Council nor had the scheme been deemed to provide an acceptable standard of living conditions in terms of outlook, daylight and sunlight.
Working with Jamie King of Cleveley King Architects careful consideration was given to ensure that the new proposal would not harm the character and appearance of the area or established street scene.
George Machin, Partner stated:
"The windows now proposed, for example, reflect the proportions and details of the other window openings on the existing building."
Considerable changes were also made to the floor layouts so that each new flat proposed can be spacious achieving 74m2 of floor space including dedicated storage areas.
The scheme provides efficient room layouts that achieve a high standard of amenity and living conditions for future occupiers.
The newly approved apartments are ideal for young professionals, providing open plan kitchen/dining/living room, two bedrooms, a store room and shower room per apartment.
George Machin added:
"We simply set out that the proposal would not result in any development control issues that should warrant the City Council withholding planning permission and that this is exactly the type of quality development that should be supported."
We are obviously delighted to have overturned a previous refusal by the Council and to have secured a full planning permission so quickly, which hopefully is the first of many for this particular new Client.
Established in June 2012 by Chartered Town Planners Nick Grace and George Machin, our portfolio of work covers a wide breadth and scale of development; from single houses or replacement dwellings to large scale, mixed use, residential and commercial sites.