GraceMachin achieves conversion of rural building into new dwellinghouse on the edge of Hawksworth village, South Nottinghamshire
The Glebe, Hawksworth Road, Scarrington, Nottinghamshire,
Planning permission has been obtained for the conversion and significant extension of a traditional red brick & clay pantile barn in Newton, South Nottinghamshire, to create a large single dwelling.
Key planning constraints were the site’s location within the Green Belt and its proximity to a Listed Building.
As the buildings are of some historic interest, we considered that there would be a heritage benefit to securing the future use, ongoing maintenance and long term occupation of them. This weighed in favour of the development.
GraceMachin undertook all planning consultancy and application drawing work. We also engaged with Rushcliffe Borough Council officer’s prior to the application being formally submitted to confirm that the principle of the proposed ‘Change of Use’ and conversion to a new dwelling was acceptable.
The design of the approved scheme is high quality and importantly can be undertaken without detriment to the adjacent dwelling, Mill Farm (lived in by our clients, Mr & Mrs Fearn) and also the nearby Listed Windmill.
Established in June 2012 by Chartered Town Planners Nick Grace and George Machin, our portfolio of work covers a wide breadth and scale of development; from single houses or replacement dwellings to large scale, mixed use, residential and commercial sites.
The Glebe, Hawksworth Road, Scarrington, Nottinghamshire,
772 Wollaton Road, Wollaton, Nottingham, NG8 2AP
Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire