Identifying the correct planning strategy - conversion of former equestrian building to new home in the green belt
Costock, Rushcliffe, Nottinghamshire, LE12
Outline planning permission has been granted by Broxtowe BC for two new dwellings in the Green Belt following initial advice from GraceMachin Planning & Property.
We initially identified that a relatively recent change in National Planning Policy (NPPF) could unlock a high value residential development opportunity.
The landowner had previously received negative feedback from Broxtowe Borough Council, so it was recommended that a pre-application submission was made prior to formally submitting a planning application to establish the principle of securing infill development within the Green Belt.
An indicative layout plan was prepared to minimise upfront costs, but sufficient detail provided along with a clear and concise policy justification to establish that the site could be deemed a Green Belt infill site within a settlement.
A positive pre-app response from the Local Planning Authority triggered a series of technical work including more detailed drawing work, topographical survey, highway speed survey and technical access drawing along with an initial coal survey report which was subsequently supported by more intrusive and technical survey which involved liaison with the Coal Authority. The overall package of work responded to the pre-app advice and ensured that the application was ‘robust’.
The positive outcome for the landowner highlights that seeking advice and second opinions on sites previously dismissed as development opportunities should not be always as discounted.
Clear and concise advice at the due diligence stage recommended by GraceMachin Planning & Property has again turned a surplus parcel of garden land into a capital receipt of over six figures for the landowner.
Established in June 2012 by Chartered Town Planners Nick Grace and George Machin, our portfolio of work covers a wide breadth and scale of development; from single houses or replacement dwellings to large scale, mixed use, residential and commercial sites.
Costock, Rushcliffe, Nottinghamshire, LE12
Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire, NG15
Rushcliffe, Nottingham, NG2