Planning Approved - Padel Tennis Centre at Mansfield Town Football Club
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18
GraceMachin Planning & Property have obtained another residential approval in 2022 for long-standing, high-end developer client, NorthSands Developments.
The site had a complicated planning history, and following acquisition, Nick Grace, was instructed to undertake a full review of the planning background to enable a detailed planning strategy to be established. The client’s brief was to secure a new planning permission for 3 x contemporary, detached houses on the site amounting to circa 14,000 sq. ft.
A programme was established to prioritise and instruct on matters of heritage, landscape, arboriculture, and ecology.
In partnership with the consultant architect, client and with market input from a local residential sales agent, a full and detailed market facing planning application was submitted to Broxtowe Borough Council for formal consideration and determination.
The application responded positively to the sites topography and sought to respect and embrace the constraints and opportunities of the site. The proposed scheme offered an opportunity to deliver a high quality and sensitively designed development which respected its context and setting and will contribute towards the provision of much needed new family housing within this part of Nottingham.
On the basis that the application was presented as local plan policy compliant and in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) the application was able to be approved under delegated powers thereby removing the need to present the application to planning committee for formal determination.
Established in June 2012 by Chartered Town Planners Nick Grace and George Machin, our portfolio of work covers a wide breadth and scale of development; from single houses or replacement dwellings to large scale, mixed use, residential and commercial sites.
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18
Bulcote, Nottinghamshire, NG14
Brinsley, Nottinghamshire, NG16