Permission Granted - The erection of an Agricultural Storage Building
Gainsborough Road, Everton, Nottinghamshire
GraceMachin Planning & Property have recently obtained full planning permission to construct five new dwellings, ranging from 3 to 5 bed units on a prominent site in Everton, North Nottinghamshire following the demolition of redundant agricultural buildings, close to the centre of the Village.
The site is located within a Conservation Area and the public benefits of removing unsightly buildings which cause harm to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and the wider public benefits of new homes in the area was strongly promoted by GraceMachin Planning & Property through representations on the Neighbourhood Plan and a subsequent full planning application.
The application relates to all open market dwellings with no affordable units as it falls just under the local affordable housing threshold.
This is another site in the East Midlands where GraceMachin Planning & Property, due to careful due diligence, have been able to secure a more valuable consent for the landowner by way of demolition and new build.
The application, involved pro-active consultation with the Local Planning Authority on Conservation Area and Highway matters which through good relations with the planning case officer, were resolved to allow the planning application to be approved under delegated powers.
This is another site In the East Midlands where GraceMachin Planning & Property due to careful due diligence have been able to secure a more valuable consent for the landowner by way of demolition and new build rather than progressing an application(s) by way of potential Class Q conversion.
Established in June 2012 by Chartered Town Planners Nick Grace and George Machin, our portfolio of work covers a wide breadth and scale of development; from single houses or replacement dwellings to large scale, mixed use, residential and commercial sites.
Gainsborough Road, Everton, Nottinghamshire
Greater Manchester, Yorkshire SK10
Girton, Nottinghamshire, NG23