Permission Granted - Four detached houses in Barnstone

Residential Land off Main Road, Barnstone, Nottinghamshire, NG13 9JQ

GraceMachin has recently been successful in obtaining full planning permission for four detached new family homes in open countryside.

GraceMachin worked in partnership with the land owner to deliver a low density, high quality, interesting housing scheme which has already been purchased by a local developer and work has commenced on site.

The application site was a small portion of a much larger field on the edge of Barnstone.

Barnstone Land

It was our recommendation that a planning application was prepared and submitted as soon as possible to take into account that Rushcliffe Borough Council currently does not have a five year supply of housing. This led us to believe that there was an opportunity to press ahead and secure a planning consent ahead of other competing sites. The planning application was unanimously supported by members of the planning committee and approved.

Barnstone Land

The land owner was delighted with the advice he received and planning strategy and speed in which both planning permission was achieved and land sale completed.

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Established in June 2012 by Chartered Town Planners Nick Grace and George Machin, our portfolio of work covers a wide breadth and scale of development; from single houses or replacement dwellings to large scale, mixed use, residential and commercial sites.

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